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Walking path on campus
Sunset on campus
Boys Walking
Campus entrance with views of the track
Students leaving morning Chapel

SJS At-A-Glance

Get the Facts

Saint james School

by the numbers

Year founded:

  • 1842 

Total enrollment for grades 8-12:

  • 245

Students from:

  • 21 Countries
  • 16 States

Percent male/female:

  • 53/47

Average class size:

  • 11 Students

Student-to-faculty ratio:

  • 6:1 

Years of consistent leadership from our Headmaster:

  • 33

MIT-certified FAB Lab

Number of faculty members:

  • 33

Faculty with advanced degrees:

  • 74 Percent

Percent who tried a sport at SJS that they had never played before:

  • 86

Percent who report pushing themselves out of their comfort zone at SJS:

  • 97 Percent

AP courses offered:

  • 19

Percent of SJS students accepted into college:

  • 100 Percent

Campus size:

  • 800 Acres

Facilities include:

  • 15 Buildings
  • 9 Playing Fields

Miles from Washington, DC and Baltimore:

  • 70 Miles

Furthest distance traveled to attend Saint James:

  • 9,121 Miles (from Khao Thong, Thailand)

Faculty who live on campus:

  • 95 Percent

Average time boarders spend "commuting" to campus each day:

  • 3 minutes
Students walking on campus
piano man

An explanation of "Forms"

In a nod to our English roots, we use the term "form" instead of "grade" to describe a student's place in the Saint James journey.

6th Form = 12th Grade
5th Form = 11 Grade
4th Form = 10th Grade
3rd Form = 9th Grade
2nd Form = 8th Grade

Learn more about our traditions

Welcoming Community

Timeless Values
In Action

School culture is visible along our brick pathways: students stopping to say "hello," a favorite teacher spinning in stride to acknowledge a friendly greeting, or two well-wishing dorm mates exchanging a subtle fist bump.

These moments reflect a community in which kindness is the currency, strength of character is celebrated, diversity is evident, and civility never gets old.

Meet the Saints

Saint James Mission

Saint James School prepares young men and women for success in college and inspires them to be leaders for good in the world.

We do this within a small and familial residential community that encourages their moral and spiritual growth. 

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Honor Code

On my honor, I will not lie, cheat or steal and I will report anyone I witness doing any of the three.

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School Prayer

O God because without you we are not able to please you,
mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may
in all things direct and rule our hearts;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Saint James Chapel

School Hymn

O God our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home.

Under the shadow of thy throne thy saints have dwelt secure; sufficient is thine arm alone, and our defense is sure.

Before the hills in order stood, or earth received her frame, from everlasting thou art God, to endless years the same.

A thousand ages in thy sight are like an evening gone;
short as the watch that ends the night before the rising sun.

Time like an ever-rolling stream, bears all its sons away;
they fly, forgotten, as a dream dies at the opening day.

O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, be thou our guide while life shall last, and our eternal home.

(680, The Hymnal 1982; The Episcopal Church)