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Lessons and Carols

The services of Lessons and Carols are a time-honored Saint James tradition that many in our community look forward to each Christmas season. The service is based on one first used at Truro Cathedral in 1880 at the instruction of Bishop Edward Benson (later Archbishop of Canterbury). The service was later adapted for use at King's College Chapel, Cambridge University, in 1918 by the Dean, the Very Reverend Eric Milner-White, who also wrote the Bidding Prayer. At Saint James, students, faculty, staff, and parents read the lessons, while the Chapel Choir responds with a beautiful series of carols and anthems.

The readings trace the history of God's redeeming acts: from humanity's fall from grace, through the expectant watchfulness of the people of Israel, and finally to the birth of the Messiah. The readings reach their dramatic conclusion with the solemn proclamation of the God who became flesh and who dwells with his people.

We are grateful for the opportunity to celebrate the season with so many members of the Saint James community who join us for the service.


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