SJS News
During chapel on May 23, the following students and faculty member were inducted into the Saint James Chapter of the Cum Laude Society, an honors organization founded to encourage and recognize true scholarship in secondary schools. The distinguished record these students have made at Saint James has earned them membership in the Society.
Sixth Form: Júlia Heredia, Zachary Kumar, Blessing Oge-Evans, and Olivia Topham
Fifth Form: Yemeli Akaya, Shohin Farukhzod, Jingyi “Dora” Wang, Ziqing “Annie” Xu, and Yixi “Sissi” Yao
Faculty: Mrs. Kingry
Mia Alvarez, Teddy Kuser, Yushan "Iris" Li, and Mingze "Daniel" Liu were elected members during their Fifth Form year. Congratulations to our new members!
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