Annual Fund
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The Annual Fund is the cornerstone of philanthropy at Saint James School. Money raised for the Annual Fund campaign is a vital component of the School’s total operating budget. Each year, this fund helps to:
- provide financial aid for deserving students.
- support teacher salaries and professional development.
- purchase academic and extracurricular equipment.
- ensure educational, enrichment, and entertainment opportunities for students.
- maintain the School’s academic and athletic facilities.
Gifts to this fund are unrestricted, allowing the School’s leadership to determine where this support is most needed, and can do the most good.
We invite you to help us maintain our tradition of excellence in education by donating to the Annual Fund each year. Gifts of any amount are appreciated and valued!
A Typical Year for the SJS Annual Fund
Annual Fund FAQs
Matching Gifts
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. Search the database for your employer.
2024-25 Annual Fund Leadership
The Annual Fund relies on the efforts of volunteers from each of the School’s constituencies to achieve its success. The following individuals have graciously volunteered their time to chair the following Annual Fund Committees:
- Board of Trustees: Mrs. Ann C. Davis (Chip ’98, Kathryn ’05, and Bryan ’06)
- Alumni: Mr. Alexandre D. Broussard '96
- Current Parents: Mr. David R. Finn '85 and Dr. CheunJu "Sharu" Chen (parents of Lauran '27)
- Parents of Alumni: Mr. David E. Lees and Mrs. Constance A. Lees (parents of Brady '23)
- Friends and Grandparents: Robert W. FitzGerald (grandfather of Florie '27)
- Faculty: Mrs. Anne G. James